Beauty not brains
I hate to start a new blog with a post about Kate -- she's never been a favourite of mine. I loved her style -- she's got a something-something that no one can really argue or achieve but there was always something offpitch about her for me. But i couldn't really not do a post about her in these times. Recent pictures of the model have everyone talking about how much she's aged.
Kate to me was always a lazy beauty. You know the type, she'll wake up looking and feeling like a million dollars. She won't wash her face but she won't get pimples either. She doesn't exercise but she'll fit into the smallest size. My sister used to be able to do that. She'd wake up and look like she's just been at a facial, skin glowing and all. A sure sign that genes wasn't the reason this special skill gets passed down via bloodlines (Cos I don't wake up feeling like Cindy Crawford!)
Anyway a recent article in UK's Daily Mail made me sit up and notice Kate again. In it, reporter Liz Jones laments how she used to love Kate Moss in her 20s, even with cellulite. But also how recent pictures of Moss's sagging skin and lacklustre looks have only pointed to her beauty sins -- that is coke and who knows what other drugs! Jones apparently saw Moss upclose and couldn't recognise her.
I'm flipping through the TopShop catalogue, heck even the new Cavalli campaign (above, which Moss and druggie Pete Doherty are photographed as Cleopatra and James Dean) She looks bloody the same beautiful girl who stole runways and covers with her sallow chest! The great thing about magazines (or is it the bag thing) is that they're keeping the old Moss alive through digital retouching. And that's probably the biggest lie that magazines perpetuate (bigger even than Britney Spears is getting back with Kevin Federline! Gawd help us!) -- and that's our models are infallible to aging and abuse.
I dont want this to be a moral tale -- but how can it not?
Read more at Perez Hilton, Daily Mail's Cavalli coverage and Hollyscoop
Wau Lau!! Her knees are fucking ugly!! I think our fat knees look way better!
absolutely! the price of drugs! Dont dooo them!
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